It’s OK to Feel Regret

We’ve all got regrets about missed career opportunities or things we wished we’d done or said.

That’s normal we are humans after all. Rather than trying to suppress these feelings, you’ve got to make peace with them.

Start by recognizing your emotions and expressing them — even if only to yourself. What past action or inaction is causing you to feel this way? Next, try looking to the past with gratitude. Jot down three things you’re grateful for to counterbalance the negativity of regret and reframe your outlook. You want to be aware of what you have, not just what you don’t have.

Finally, make regret productive by thinking about what you can (and cannot) do in the future to avoid this feeling again. It may be that the situation was out of your control and there’s little you can do, but if you made a mistake or misstep, use this feeling to change your behaviour the next time around.

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